
Proposed Procurement Set-Up

To build a strong, effective, transparent procurement and supply chain logistics WBMSC will engage professionally qualified and highly motivated people who will ensure procurement and supply of quality drugs and medicines in time to all hospitals. To this extent WBMSC will improve and expand the warehousing capacity, introduce modern warehousing standards for drugs and medicines as well as operate a supply chain mechanism to ensure smooth and on demand delivery of drugs, medicines, kits, reagents etc..

WBMSC will also be responsible for centralized procurement, and maintenance of the medical equipments required in various health centers and medical institutions by building up a system of central monitoring and Asset Management that will look into procurement and availability and functioning of the equipment in the hospitals and health centers. The West Bengal Medical Services Corporation will start the procurement process for essential drugs and medicines at least on a limited scale and will slowly take over the functions of the CMS over a period of time. Till such time that the Corporation is fully operational the existing set up of decentralized procurement through Central Medical Store and District Reserve Stores may have to continue.

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